Glan-Yr-Afon Surgery Ltd now only accepts patient's residing in Tredegar (NP22 postcode), we are unfortunately no longer able to provide services to patients moving over to Ebbw Vale or further afield.
Whilst Rhymney is considered part of Tredegar by postcode, logistically services stop at the Heads of the Valley. The local hospitals and referral pathways are different, district nurses and ambulances won't cover Rhymney as it's classed as part of Caerphilly Borough, we recommend in your best interests to register with a Rhymney Practice.
Once the above documents and completed forms have been provided to to the practice you will be offered a registration health check appointment (amid covid this maybe remotely by telephone).
If you find that you are unable to attend the New Patient Health Check appointment for any reason, please telephone the surgery to re-arrange this appointment. It is important that you attend this initial appointment as a missed appointment will result in refusal to join the practice, as set out in the terms & conditions of your registration
Unfortunately there are circumstances which may result in a person being removed after registration and these are:
Further information, e.g. how to see a Healthcare Professional, request a House Call or Telephone Consultation, can be found on the Practice Website or in our Practice Leaflet.
The Practice does not readily prescribe benzodiazepines and other controlled drugs, every effort will be made to support you in reducing and gradually withdrawing from such medication. Details of this programme are available on our website or on request from Reception.
We strongly recommend patient's looking to register with us ask their previous GP for a supply of medication and any fit note (previously called sick note) that maybe required within the first few weeks of moving.
Your medical record can take a few weeks to arrive at your new Surgery and it is hard for our GP's to issue medication and/or fit notes without medical details that would be contained within your record. Refusal or delay could offend and may even impact on your ability to continue/claim benefit, SSP etc.